Interpretation is a communication process that creates meaningful emotional and intellectual connections between an audience and a valued resource, such as a historic site. An Interpretive Plan is a document developed to guide the most effective way to communicate key themes and messages to specific audiences. It helps answer the questions: why is this place important and how do we help visitors understand and connect with this place?
Tourism and Culture’s Historic Sites Unit leads the development of Interpretive Plans for significant historic sites, including sites that are co-owned and co-managed with Yukon First Nations. These Interpretive Plans build from existing Heritage Management Plans. They draw on each Heritage Management Plan’s research and recommendations to create key themes and storylines that best convey the values inherent within a site. Interpretive Plans provide recommendations for on-site interpretation, programming, interpretive media such as publications, interpretive panels and digital products, and create distinct visual identity for a Historic Site. Together, the recommendations within an Interpretive Plan guide us in conveying historic sites to the public in an accurate and meaningful way.
Historic Sites also develops Interpretive Plans for Yukon’s travel corridors, including highway routes, rivers and trails with significant heritage value. Interpretive Plans for Yukon’s travel corridors guide the interpretation of a mosaic of natural, cultural and historical features within overarching themes. Historic Sites works with regional advisory groups when developing these Interpretive Plans. Scenic route Interpretive Plans guide the development of interpretive sites, such as highway pullouts at points of interest with interpretive panels and visitor amenities. Interpretive Plans help improve visitor experiences and forge connections and a deeper understanding of Yukon’s history and culture amongst the travelling public.
Successful interpretative plans completed to date: